
School perseverance 15-19 years old

Keep motivated for your studies!

15 to 19 years old
Academic perseverance

We meet with you to set your goals and establish strategies to achieve them. We support you throughout the process while offering you the opportunity to participate in numerous activities such as:

  • Visit to the Belles-Rives center and vocational training centers
  • Observation day and meetings with professionals who talk about their profession
  • Participation in collective kitchens
  • Volunteering or internship in a company
  • Job search support
  • Awareness about work-study balance
CISSSMO, Trois-Lacs School Services Center, Youth Hub, Youth Secretariat

Marie-Sophie Marleau

School perseverance counsellor
(450) 455-3185 #223

MaryAnne Nantel

School perseverance counsellor
450 455-3185

List of projects

Young entrepreneurs from CIEC Island

Be at the heart of the decisions and actions of your cooperative!

Project page

Desjardins Young People at Work

Enjoy the experience of a first summer job!

Project page

Introduction to entrepreneurship

Workshops to support you in your entrepreneurial journey

Project page

Volunteering 18 - 35

Develop or participate in a project that will have a positive impact on your environment, your community and your career!

Project page

Young Volunteers

Do you want to start your business or become self-employed?

Project page

Educational success 18-35 years old

Give yourself the chance to succeed!

Project page