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September 16, 2024
Get your TENS and ASP card for free
Launch of the 4th Cohort of Atelier 255!
Are you between 17 and 35 years old and looking to give your future a boost? Don't miss this unique opportunity! We are launching the 4th cohort of Atelier 255, a FREE 14-week training course to get your TENS (high school equivalence test) and your ASP construction card.
During these 14 weeks, you will receive a participation allowance and will be surrounded by motivating and caring professionals, ready to help you reach your goals. It is a golden opportunity to build a promising and solid future.
Why participate in Atelier 255?
- Free training : No fees to pay!
- Important certifications : Get your TENS and your ASP construction card.
- Participation Allowance : Financial assistance throughout the training.
- Quality supervision : Experts to support you throughout the journey.
Don't let this chance pass you by! Register now and take the first step towards a bright and exciting future.
“Atelier 255 changed my life! I learned to share my emotions and to manage them better. It opened a great door for a future dream job. “- Samuel, 3rd cohort
Sign up for the activity
For more info:
September 16, 2024
CJE Vaudreuil-Soulanges
400 Harwood Blvd., Vaudreuil-Dorion
Véronique Lapalme
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Job search
La zone CJE est pour toi si tu veux : améliorer ton CV, pratiquer pour de futures entrevues, obtenir des conseils professionnels.