September 23, 2024
VIP evening at the CJE
Learn tips for a winning approach with employers
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October 2nd is fast approaching and to help you make the perfect first impression at the Job Fair, we've put together a special evening.
: ✨ Hair tips from a professional hairdresser
👗 Clothing tips from an expert stylist
📸 Professional photo shooting
☝️ Tips for a winning approach with employers Don't miss out on this unique opportunity! Places are limited!
Register now!
Sign up for the activity
For more info:
September 23, 2024
CJE Vaudreuil-Soulanges
400 Harwood Blvd., Vaudreuil-Dorion
Véronique Lapalme
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Job search
La zone CJE est pour toi si tu veux : améliorer ton CV, pratiquer pour de futures entrevues, obtenir des conseils professionnels.
Job search
La zone CJE est pour toi si tu veux : améliorer ton CV, pratiquer pour de futures entrevues, obtenir des conseils professionnels.