May 9th, 2024
Conference: Reaching the summit
Meet Joel from Survivor Quebec
CONFERENCE WITH JOEL DANDURAND FROM SURVIVOR QUEBEC. Are you ready to reach new heights in your life? Don't miss our flagship event: the “Reaching Your Summit” conference, which will be held at the Multisports Centre as part of Mental Health Week!
Open to everyone! But be careful: to ensure an optimal experience for our target customers (15-35 years old), people over 35 years old or under 15 years old are invited to “bring a person of the same age as our customers” to be able to participate.
Places are limited! Register now to guarantee your participation in this unmissable event.
Registration date limit: Friday May 3rd 2024
Sign up for the activity
For more info:
Joël Dandurand
May 9th, 2024
André-Chagnon Multisport Center
3093 Bd de la Gare, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 9R2
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La zone CJE est pour toi si tu veux : améliorer ton CV, pratiquer pour de futures entrevues, obtenir des conseils professionnels.